Laser & Ultrasound

JW’s Day Spa & Salon offers state of the art laser and ultrasound treatments including MOXI, HALO, Microlaser Peels, Profractional Laser, SkinTyte, BBL Photofacials, and our newest treatment, Sofwave.

At JW’s we use a Sciton laser which offers unmatched quality & performance, allowing our laser technicians to safely achieve stunning clinical results with the highest patient satisfaction.

Sciton was created to provide advanced lasers & light sources to patient’s looking for brighter & more youthful looking skin, along with various other improvement options for the skin.


As we age, we have repeated sun exposure and damage of everyday living that results in visible signs of skin aging, including wrinkles, discoloration, scars, and laxity. Fortunately, there are laser treatments like Sciton’s MOXI laser treatment that can help you “prejuvenate” your skin to prevent premature signs of aging.

MOXI is Sciton’s brand new non-ablative resurfacing laser treatment that precisely targets years of skin damage and visible signs of aging, with minimal downtime.

What is MOXI Laser Resurfacing? 

The MOXI laser by Sciton is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that uses fractionated laser energy that’s non-ablative to stimulate the superficial layers of skin to heal sun damage and enhance skin texture. Specifically, Moxi uses a 1927nm wavelength to penetrate the upper layers of the epidermis and dermis and targets water, not melanin or blood vessels, to selectively heat certain layers. This triggers a healing response that can tighten skin and create renewed skin beneath what’s seen on the surface, leading to longer-lasting results.

The best candidate for Moxi treatment is someone looking to prevent the signs of aging like uneven skin tone, rough skin texture, and fine lines. It can also be highly effective for those looking for mild to moderate correction of the early signs of aging with a round of multiple treatment sessions.

What Skin Concerns Does MOXI Treat? 

MOXI is most effective at “pre-juvenation,” or promoting good skin quality while you do not see signs of aging appearing, but it can also be used to treat specific concerns. In that regard, MOXI treats the following issues:

  • Mild signs of aging (fine lines)
  • Pigmentation and sun damage
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Poor or rough skin texture

What Areas Does the MOXI Laser Treat? 

Sciton’s MOXI laser is most often used on the face and neck, but is safe and frequently used in other areas as well – anywhere you may have concerns about pigmentation or rough skin, for example. MOXI can be used on the:

  • Chest
  • Hands
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Face

One of the best benefits of MOXI is that it can be used on skin of all types and colors due to its mild stimulating effect. This is distinct from other laser treatments that use more intense energy or different wavelengths that can be potentially harmful for darker skin.

What to Expect From MOXI Laser Treatments 

The overall treatment is very quick. We offer a topical numbing cream for those who are sensitive to laser skin treatments. Patients can apply makeup within 24 hours of the procedure and return to work or their normal lives immediately after/a few hours following a treatments session.

A typical patient will undergo about three or four Moxi treatments at first, then come back for maintenance sessions as needed.


Sciton® Halo™ is the first & only laser resurfacing treatment that combines non-ablative & ablative wavelengths in a single pass to maximize results & control downtime. Halo gives you the results you want without the downtime you would expect!

Over time, your skin can lose its youthful glow due to sun exposure. Previous lasers couldn’t effectively remove this sun damage because they were either too shallow or went too deep. Halo ELIMINATES years of sun damage by precisely targeting the right depth. Halo restores the luminous glow you had when you were younger.

What results can I expect?

Halo is a complete skin rejuvenation treatment. You will see improvements in overall tone and texture in addition to significant removal of discoloration due to sun damage or scarring, reduction in fine lines, reduced pore size, skin reflectivity and glow.

What happens during the treatment?

Thirty minutes to an hour before the treatment, your clinician may place a topical anesthetic on your skin to reduce the sensation during the procedure. The clinician will treat each measured section by uniformly rolling the Halo hand piece over the skin until the system recognizes the treatment is complete. With a topical anesthetic & integrated cooling technology, most patients experience very little discomfort. Most patients describe the treatment as a feeling of heat with occasional prickling sensations, but are generally comfortable. After the treatment, most patients will continue to feel warm for an additional 15 to 30 minutes, or a bit longer with deeper treatment levels.

How soon after my treatment can I return to normal activities?

For the first 24 hours, you should keep your skin protected according to your clinician’s instructions, but after that you should be able to go about your normal activities. After the first 24 hours your skin will begin to flake, but you will be able to put on makeup. For a facial treatment, you will see very little change on the first day. After two to three days you will develop a light bronzing appearance. By day three or four your skin will peel, revealing your new skin beneath.

When will I see results?

You will see initial results between 2 & 5 days after your Halo treatment, but your skin will continue to improve over time. Most patients see the greatest pigmentary improvement in the first 2-3 weeks. This is followed by a dermal regeneration phase that continues to improve for months.

How long will my results last?

Halo results will last for years to come, but you should continue to keep your skin protected at all times using UV sunscreen to protect your new, healthy skin. Each additional Halo treatment you get will only improve the results, giving you even better looking skin.

Disclaimer***    There will be a price increase on the HALO effective January 1, 2024.

MicroLaser Peelmicrolaser peel b&a

What is the MicroLaserPeel?

A minimal to full epidermal laser peel that precisely removes the outermost layers of the skin. The procedure is individually tailored to the nature of the problem to be corrected: wrinkles, scars, keratoses,or pigmentation problems.

How is the MicroLaserPeel different from Microdermabrasion?

Generally, microdermabrasion only removes the outer layer (stratum corneum) of the skin. Patients may become dissatisfied when the perceived results do not equal expense & the number of procedures required. The MicroLaserPeel is a full epidermal peel (20-50 microns). Because this procedure goes deeper into the epidermis, it is the perfect step between microdermabrasion & deeper peels.

What can the patient expect before & after the treatment?

A topical numbing cream is applied 30-45 minutes before the procedure.  The healing process varies from patient to patient but will generally take from 2-4 days. The procedure can be performed on Thursday or Friday & you can return to work the following Monday. Immediately following the procedure, you will feel as if you have sunburn. You will have minor peeling/flaking & itchiness the following day. By day 2, redness will begin to fade & by day 3 any redness can be easily covered by makeup.  Smoother, healthier more vibrant skin is expected after this treatment.

profraction b&aProFractional

How does ProFractional work?

ProFractional uses a tiny laser beam to treat thousands of pinpoint areas of your skin. Because only a fraction of your skin is directly treated with the laser, the surrounding untreated tissue promotes rapid healing. This skins wound healing response creates new collagen which adds firmness and resilience to the skin. Excellent results can be obtained in just 1 treatment, though the number of treatments may vary from patient to patient.

Will it be uncomfortable?

ProFractional therapy is widely regarded as a comfortable procedure, usually tolerated with the use of a topical numbing cream.

After treatment

Immediately following the procedure, you may experience mild redness & a sensation resembling a sunburn. Your after-treatment care may include the application of an ointment to keep the skin moist. Your skin will be sensitive to ultra-violet light after the treatment, so you MUST avoid direct sun exposure until fully healed. It is recommended that you always use some level of sunscreen protection to avoid sun damage.

Complete healing typically occurs within a few days & most patients usually feel comfortable enough to get back to work & apply makeup 1-2 days after the treatment.  As your skin heals in the days following your treatment, you may notice a general tightening effect. However, the true benefit of ProFractional Therapy is the collagen remodeling that occurs during the 4- 6 months following your treatment.

skintyte b&aSkinTyte

What can I expect post-treatment?

A mild- moderate sunburn sensation can be present & a tightening should be noticed for up to 2 hours after your treatment. There should be no significant discomfort, & you’ll experience NO downtime. You can resume your normal activities & skin care & makeup can be applied immediately post-treatment.

Will the treatment be painful?

There should be minimal discomfort during this procedure. The hand piece utilized contains a cold chill plate, which helps with any discomfort & keeps the skin cool & protected. The feeling of the pulsed light can be compared to that of the snap of a small rubber band.

How many treatments will it take before I see results?

This is not an overnight process!  Results often include some immediately noticeable firmness within the first month. Longer-lasting firmness in skin texture develops gradually, taking about 4 months to become fully visible. The collagen foundation of your skin continues to rebuild and strengthen for months afterward. A series of 6 treatments are recommended.

photofacial b&aBBL PhotoFacials

Broad Band Light (BBL) Photofacials can improve the signs of sun damage, rosacea, and brown and red spots on the face, neck, chest, back, arms & hands. It has also been used to reduce the appearance of mild acne scars, small blood vessels, & fine lines around the eyes and mouth. If you want the skin on your face to be smoother and healthier, & if you want to look younger, then BBL Photofacial might be the right cosmetic treatment for you.  It is a simple, in-office procedure with little to no downtime. Photofacials create their rejuvenating effects over a series of treatment appointments. You will see noticeable results after 1 treatment, but most people will need a series of 3 treatments each spaced a few weeks apart to fully address their skin concerns.

Before and After the BBL Photofacial

Each treatment takes about 20-30 minutes. A topical numbing cream will be applied about 30 minutes prior to your treatment to maximize your comfort. We also apply a cooling gel to protect the skin & protective eyewear. During treatment, the smooth surface of the Sciton BBL™ hand piece is glided over the skin, delivering light in precise pulses. You will experience a slight sunburn sensation during & after the treatment.

You cannot be tan or tanning before a Photofacial . The light will be absorbed by all the excess pigment in your skin & you will be over treated.  So no tanning for 4-6 weeks & wait 4-6 weeks for a tan to resolve.  Darker skin types cannot be treated with Photofacials for the same reasons.  We offer FREE consultations to determine who can have the treatment.  We also ask that you discontinue the use of any retinoids for at least 1 week prior to the procedure.  After the procedure you may appear to be sun burned.  This should resolve over a few days.  Pigmented lesions will darken after a Photofacial.  They may come to the surface of the skin & peel/flake off.  It is critical that you protect the treated areas from sun exposure.  Sunscreen is a MUST after the procedure to prevent the return of sun damage.


Sofwave™ delivers Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam SUPERB™ technology, providing a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles and lifting the eyebrows, neck, and submental area in a single treatment session, no matter the season, skin type, or skin color.

Patients love that Sofwave™ is non-invasive and can fit into an active lifestyle. Patients can have the treatment and go back to their daily activities immediately. The treatments are quick, typically lasting about 30-45 minutes. Sofwave™’s safety profile is highly rated with its integrated cooling system called, Sofcool™. Sofcool™ protects the outer layer of skin while enabling the ultrasound treatment to reach the precise depth in the dermis for the ideal outcome.

Sofwave™ for Brow, Submental & Neck Lifting and Wrinkle Reduction